The premiere training series of THE POINT’s Resiliency Learning Institute, the Digital Steward Training Academy (DSTA) intends to offer at least 24 weeks of paid instruction to become a Digital Steward.
Offered in 6-week sessions, with a minimum of 24 hours of training, residents and organizations interested in mesh networks and digital stewardship learn about how the internet works, how to install/maintain/sustain a mesh network, Portable Network Kit (PNK) building, community governance models and economic democracy, OSHA training and other relevant topics. Our current capacity will allow us to train up to 75 individuals per year in a full experience where they are offered a stipend for their participation. We will continue to update our current curriculum to train not just to build and install a physical network, but also to include more workshops in Information Technology with a focus on creating strong virtual experiences for users by building Customer Resource Management (CRM) tools.
Train local workforce to install/maintain/sustain a community network
Expand the HPCN by using the network as a physical training site
Collaborate with local orgs, agencies and residents to build local tech capacity
Meet the needs of the most vulnerable local youth and residents looking for employment and educational services

Hunts Point Community Network (HPCN)
Two Main Components: Hunts Point Community Network and the Hunts Point Digital Steward Training Academy
Emergency WiFi Network – HPCN
Trains Local people in technology – HPDS
Builds Leadership – Community Organizing
Economic Opportunity
Seeks Digital Justice
More resilient and self-reliant community

Hunts Point Community Network (HPCN)
The Hunts Point Community Network (HPCN) is the first and only mesh network in the South Bronx that provides free Wi-Fi before, during and after a climate emergency. Based in the Hunts Point peninsula, the network is operated by local business and residents that are trained to install and maintain the network that currently offers up to 600 individuals free Wi-Fi throughout the month. The main features of the HPCN are 3 stand-alone projects including the physical network (20+ nodes), the splash page site, and the DSTA. Our vision for the next 5 years is to transition HPCN into an ISP that covers the area, can monetize the network leading to self-sustainability while prioritizing free access for the most vulnerable populations.
Bring free and/or low cost internet to the entire Hunts Point Peninsula
Expand our physical and the network capacity while training a Digital Steward Workforce
Transition the HPCN into an Internet Service Provider (ISP)
Self-sustainable model development